Divaldo Pereira Franco - Poem of Gratitude - Poema da Gratidão


POEMA DA GRATIDÃO - De autoria do Espírito Amélia Rodrigues, O Poema da Gratidão é um dos memoráveis finais de palestras em que o grande humanista e médium Espírita emociona até hoje platéias de todo o mundo. Veja e ouça Divaldo Franco em gravação inesquecível e histórica de 1989.


In november 21, 1962, Divaldo Franco received "The Poem of Gratitude" from the spirit Amélia Rodrigues. Since then the medium in his lectures "feeling the taste of his own emotions". He tells the audience what he feels at that very moment. Feel that emotion, watching and listening to Divaldo in the closing of the lecture he gave at the International Spiritist Congress that took place in October 1989 in Brasília (Brazil)...

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